

沉默の未知`` 23:36:12
沉默の未知`` 23:36:31
沉默の未知`` 23:36:55



后来渐渐发现原来我还是那么嫩,什么都不懂,还有很多事情等着我去做。心态好像就这样慢慢的变年轻了,越来越单纯? 心理年龄是不是可以完全凭自己的意愿,你愿意多大就多大,你想让自己多年轻就多年轻? 我不久前刚刚又做了一次测验,这次的结果是25岁。 我觉得我的变化是变得有“斗志”了。是么?

The English Version is:

honestly, I dont think the things she said is complicated at all. why did she need to mourn about the departure of her roommate? what is wrong to have only 3people in a dormitory? she always worries about the trivial things which to me seem worthless to mention.
It has been three years since i came here. I m proud to say that i have changed during the time. i think i may become more optimistic, having a clear aim and being more willing to undergo any setbacks. overall, i just see the world as a better place where is full of opportunities and hopes. when i talked about my simple and optimistic views with one of my exschoolmates, he said:你真单纯啊. I m not sure whether i have grown to be more mature or degenerated to be simple-minded. but i m indeed happier now cos i realise the reason for me to live on this world and my indistinct goal despite the hardship on material things such as food and living circumstances. i know God has his plan for me to be here and to enjoy life i have to experience more. i used to be as the others youths in china, melancholic, aimless, bored with everything. I thought I had enough and was able to see through the human society. at that time(3 years ago when i just started in sec3), my mental age was 40+. a few weeks ago when i retook the teset, my mental age has dropped

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